There's been some discussion about guns lately. There's been a cry for stricter gun control laws. It's hard to say if they actually work. When you make an apples to apple's comparison, the places with the strictest gun control laws actually have higher murder rates. The countries in Europe with the toughest gun laws have murder rates much higher than the European countries with the most lax.
In the United States, It's a constitutional right to own guns. Of course, every right has It's limits, but trying to define those limits is a neverending back and forth debate. It seems a waste of time to keep tustling back and forth, when we can implement moves to advance the safety of all.
My first idea, and I believe this should be called the opening act of my ideas is to ban bullets. I'm open to compromise so maybe novelty bullets would be an idea. A bullet that leaves a skull and cross bones imprint on It's victim without actually penetrating flesh would be perfect. This could be a new way to keep score in war. Body counts seem primitive.
I'll admit the bullet idea needs a little thought and tweaking, but this next idea, shall we call it the main event, I believe is flawless.
First, I must point out that my idea operates on the assumption that everyone's overall goal is safety and reducing meaningless deaths. If this is our goal, we must work to ban all private motor vehicle ownership. Motor vehicles are killing machines to put it bluntly. I do admit that taking away people's vehicles will create a small dent in convenience for some, but the benefits in my proposal far out weigh any slight adjustments that may be needed. There will be far less vehicles on the road, and the ones used to commute the population to and fro will be operated by trained professionals. This will mean less accidents and less pollution. On the flip side it may encourage a little more physical activity. It's easy for me to envision people walking and bike riding more and more.
Some may point to a loss of automotive jobs, but new buses, trains, cabs, emergency, and public safety vehicles will need to be built and maintained. If there is a net loss of jobs, it will be minimal.
Yes, there are those that enjoy cars, and they do offer a certain freedom of movement my proposal cannot match, but its benefits far out weigh those minor negatives.
My proposals are not easy. They will require time to implement, which I am open to both private and government support to make happen. Sacrifices and changes in attitude will be needed, but for the safety of our children. we need to make them happen.