Saturday, May 26, 2012

baby geese, published story

Okay so I slept most of Monday. Well, Monday morning, then I found out my short story, "Aamon is Watching has been released.  if you want please buy it.
I know a shameless promotion, but it is my blog.
On the way to work I passed a flock of baby Canadian Geese they were walking around exploring the world. They didn't have feathers yet, so I'd bet they hadn't been out of there nest very many times.  During the whole time I observed the babies, I noticed the momma geese keeping her eyes on me. Occasionally she'd jerk her head up and down as a warning.  I tried to tell her I meant no harm, but my goose is a little rusty. 
Ive overslept the past two days, throwing my body and schedule out of wack. I'm glad to be getting a four day weekend. 
Ahh first day of a long 4 day weekend was so nice. I slept in took the park and got some writing done at the library. I think the president of the United States is a clone, or I guess I should say presidents The one who campaigns who they've recently been letting out a bit more. (His handler's need to tell him it's not 2008 anymore.) Then you have the one who has been governing the last almost 4 years. I was asked to write an article offering writing advice for the Seattle Examiner website. I need to do that over the weekend. I'm not exactly sure what advice to offer though.< I'm thinking of going to see a movie today or tomorrow it's either that or a haircut. If you read this don't forget to get my story Thank you for your support :)

Monday, May 14, 2012

Wow! Been one hell of a morning. The place I cash my checks opened an hosur late. Someone didn't show up to open. The lady who did show up was on time, so I couldn't even vent my frustration. Okay, I could have, but she didn't deserve it. Lady seemed pretty frustrated as it was. The funny thing is after I forced a smile and pretended the wait was no big deal, I kinda felt like smiling, and the wait was no big deal. My local save a lot is charging for the use of their shopping carts. It's just a quarter, but it just seems silly. If you like basketball, how about that clippers/grizzlies series? Every game right to the end I got my edits back for my story that was accepted by books to go now. I'm excited for it to come out. Ive never been paid for my writing, and it's stirring a lot of emotions knowing it's about to happen. I'm reading my friends self published novel When Darkness Comes This Way. There's a lot to like, and a lot to go hmmm about. Boo! NC for passing that stupid law banning gay marriage. The name of the wind, The kingkiller chronicle: Day one is a very fine book. It's by Patrick Rothfuss and if you like high fantasy, I strongly recommend you check it out. Pawn Stars is a pretty great show. I lost my prepaid credit card a couple weeks ago, so I sent for a replacement card. Now that card has not shown up. I'm out a few hundred dollars at the moment. Ugh. I worked Sunday. I had to get up extra early to go in, and I was really tired. The funny thing is that I will forget all about that come next week when I get the extra money on my check. That is all.

Monday, May 7, 2012

what's up

Hello possible reader, I'm sorry I've been away. Life's bee very twisty lately. I'm hoping for a little calm, so I can catch up on some things. I'm watching an infomercial on a butt work out. You can get a sexy butt in 60 days :) There is no war on women. That is all. I watched a movie called My Name is Kahn. I highly recommend it. Ive decided to go see a live play this year. I'm not sure which one, but id really like to attend something. Basketball playoffs started today. GO THUNDER. The president ate a dog? I need to stop hearing half the news. Support Indie creators, but make sure it's quality. :) I added a new chapter to my Dragon Wars novel. I'm on chapter 12. Wow can you believe it. One of the members of management where I work is returting today after a pretty massive heart attack and surgery. He's a pretty big asshole at the job sometimes , but its great that he's okay. I'm going to experiment a little with how I review books in my other blog. Some members of the occupy movement tried to blow up a bridge close to where I live.